Tuesday, 4 June 2013

The Paladin Is Perfect for Novice Players ?

If you are new to World of WarCraft, you may find yourself at a loss on what particular race or class to select. One of the most popular classes to date is the Paladin. It is considered a Jack-of-all-Trades type of character.
The three talent trees of a Paladin are Holy, Protection, and Retribution.
  1. Holy is the healing spec - which focuses on keeping your friends and group members alive, while also granting the Paladin increased survivability due to his or her plate armor.
  1. Next is the Protection spec - which is the backbone of the tanking role. It focuses on increased damage mitigation and shield attacks to help increase your ability to maintain agro on a mob.
  1. Finally you have the Retribution spec - which is the tie them down and beat them to death spec. This particular tree is great for PVE and PVP situations.
  1. To maximize your level of enjoyment, it is recommended that one of your specs be selected as Holy. This ensures that no matter what situation may arise you are able to be a cornerstone piece of the puzzle. It also makes it easier to get your hands on equipment. Since Paladins are the only plate class that can use Intellect, it is a default drop for the Paladin.
Unlike most classes with a healing spec, the Holy Paladin is able to still fight and level rather easily on their own, making them ideal for someone just learning to play the game. They are also known as the most annoying class and spec combination to face in a PVP situation as most people tend to complain about the endless supply of mana that a Holy Paladin has, and the inability most classes have to kill them.
Once you factor in your glyphs, item enchantments, and gems, you will find that not only can your Paladin do just about anything people ask you to do, but you will also very rarely die. As we all know, a little bit of dying is alright, but when it becomes a ritual, a lot of the fun and enjoyment are sucked out of the gameplay experience. The biggest piece of advice any veteran Paladin can give to an aspiring Paladin is to work your mining and blacksmithing skills. This will not only keep you in the best gear for your leveling needs but also allow you to craft PVP gear later on in the game. The stamina bonus you receive from the mining skill also becomes extremely handy. If you need help working on your blacksmithing you can always reference a guide, although most new players will look for a WoW mining guide instead, as it is more difficult to learn where to find the materials you need than it is to learn what items to make.
The most important thing to remember when deciding on what type of Paladin you want to be is to consider your own likes and needs rather than everyone else's. The Paladin is the Champion of the Church and is a leader whenever they take to the field of battle, the last thing you want to do is become another member of the flock.
For more information about other characters like the Dark Knight that are fun to level up, check out http://worldofwarcraftexperts.com
Enjoy the game knowing you are doing what you need to do when you need to do it to get the results you're after.

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