Friday, 12 July 2013

Different Japanese Games

The Japanese have been at the forefront of technological advancement for decades. It comes as no surprise then that their gaming industry is among the leading gaming industries in the world. The Japanese have been coming up with various exciting games over the years, especially computer flash games with unique and clean graphics, cool music and special sound effects. This article is going to walk you through some of the cool Japanese games on the market.

Nanaca CrashNanaca Crash is a Japanese flash game with clean and unique graphics, music and special sound effects. The player plays the character on the bike and tries to kick the guy in this computer game as far away as possible. You use the computer mouse to control the actions in the game. The guy being kicked has to contend with various obstacles while flying in the after-kick. The highest score for the game is automatically recorded, which can be reset with the click of a button.

Guardian PoponGuardian Popon is another cool Japanese flash game. The goal of the game is to protect the home base and the ship. As with Nanaca Crash, the control of the game is via computer mouse. In order to protect the ship and home base, the player has to move the ship around, as well as sink the enemy ships by firing at them. The ship must then go back to the supply depot to reload its supply regularly else it fails to have enough supplies to fire at enemy ships.Guardian Popon has 50 different levels and difficulties. The player has to win the current level they can progress to the next level. The sheer number of levels the game has is rare in a flash game that is played online.

Ninja NinjaNinja Ninja is yet another fantastic Japanese flash game. It is a classic Ninja type of game, with different levels of easy, normal and hard difficulties for the player to choose from. Unlike the fore-mentioned games that utilize the mouse, the player has to use certain keys on the keyboard to control this game. The player has a choice of seven types of power-ups to choose. These power-ups provide unique weapons such a bomb, big bomb, hand spear, manji-syuriken, knife, i-da-ten, and tornado.

Chaos TheoryChaos Theory is a Japanese flash game that tests the player's strategy planning skills. Chaos is presented in the form of fifty dots. The objective of the game is to pop all the dots with just one try.We provide the best info about Japanese Games. For further details please visit the provided link.

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